Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Task Eighteen -- Social Networking

Social Networking seems to have a couple of positive factors and a couple of negative factors.

The positives include more interactions with friends, family, co-workers, etc., even if these are "virtual" exchanges. These sites allow lots of sharing of media and ideas, which are always good things.

The negative aspects of social networking is when people surround themselves with only one point of view. For instance, a soccer fan could surround himself with only soccer "friends" on websites, only read pro-soccer news sites, be on soccer message boards, etc. The great wealth of information on the web could be counter-productive because their is so much. The fault obviously lies with the user not the software or the Internet itself, but it is still a point to make.

Having said that :) I've been on Facebook just a couple of months, but it is fun to interact with friends I don't get to see a bunch.

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